E-MAIL:      chetakhorses@gmail.com


This blog is dedicated to chronicling the stories and unique experiences of individuals that make up our diverse riding community.
Whether you ride Western or English, for fun or competitively, have no horses or a whole herd, we believe that every person that creates our equestrian community has a story to tell and voice that deserves to be heard.


It's two months into 2019 and while I've been fairly productive the past couple of months the feeling that I could and should do more has been nagging at me.  Finding my footing on this blog has been harder for me than I thought it would be, which is a big reason why I defer to sharing rider profiles.  It's so much easier to tell someone else's story and to show the greatness they've accomplished.  Because of this I've decided to post once a day, every day, for the month of March. I'll be honest, this is going to be a challenge for me.  I

One week of 2019 down and 51 more to go. Last week zipped by and has me looking towards what I want to accomplish this year.  This is hard for me.  I’m great at looking at things long term, where I want to be, and what the end goal should be.  How I’ll get there not so much, and that’s something I’m actively trying to improve this year. Achieving long term goals doesn’t happen overnight.  There thousands of steps, small victories, and challenging realizations that come up along the way.  In 2019 I’m going to hold myself accountable and be better about making step