E-MAIL:      chetakhorses@gmail.com


This blog is dedicated to chronicling the stories and unique experiences of individuals that make up our diverse riding community.
Whether you ride Western or English, for fun or competitively, have no horses or a whole herd, we believe that every person that creates our equestrian community has a story to tell and voice that deserves to be heard.

wash stall Tag

Today our barn added a wonderful new feature  . . . a wash stall!  Can't even explain how excited this makes me.  Of course Achates and I had to try it out. This takes a bunch of the hassle out of trying to hose him off. I can't wait to give him a bath in it tomorrow, if the weather holds up. In other, less exciting news I've started to take inventory of all of my equipment.  And it has been the most annoying/tedious task I've had to do in a long time.  I know what you're thinking, is that really necessary, and yes,